Well, that's a good question, as with all purchases made for your business, you get what you pay for. It's worth remembering John Ruskin's statement from the late 1800's which still stands true today:
“It's unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that's all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do.
The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot - it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.”
So, how much is a new Dura-Lite radiator for a truck?
Depending on the size and type of construction of the radiator the cost can vary from several hundred to a few thousand dollars.
Dura-Lite™ does care about the cost, but we also care about value and the long-term durability of all the truck radiators that we offer.
At Dura-Lite, we asked the question: "Why is something as essential as a radiator still so unreliable"? and "How can we make our truck radiators more durable"?
We answered with:
- Thicker stronger fibre-reinforced tanks that prevent stress cracking that can occur with less flexible plastic-tank radiators.
- Higher efficiency cores with reinforced heavy-gauge tubes to add extra strength where it is needed.
- Heavier gauge headers for unsurpassed durability. Our headers use extra deep crimp tabs and stainless-steel outer crimp strips to reinforce applications with traditional style crimp designs.
- Extra header-stiffening plate to eliminate the most common leaks.
Does a leaky truck radiator affect my truck running costs?
A leaky radiator in a truck can have several negative effects on the vehicle's running costs and overall performance. Below are items which shows ways that a leaky radiator can impact running costs:
- Engine Overheating - A truck radiator is responsible for dissipating excess heat generated by the engine. When it leaks, it cannot effectively cool the engine, leading to overheating. Overheating can cause severe engine damage and may require costly repairs or even engine replacement.
- Engine Damage - Overheating can cause serious damage to the engine, such as warped cylinder heads, blown head gaskets, and damage to various engine components. Repairing or replacing engine parts can be expensive and significantly increase running costs.
- Increased Maintenance Costs - A leaky radiator may also lead to other associated issues, such as damaged hoses, water pump failure, or a damaged thermostat.
- Coolant Replacement Costs - A leaky radiator can cause a loss of coolant, which will need to be replenished regularly. The cost of coolant and the labor required to keep topping it up can add to running costs.
- Downtime and Lost Productivity - If the truck is taken out of service for radiator repairs or engine overheating issues, it can result in downtime and lost productivity for the trucking operation. This can impact revenue and profitability.
To mitigate these negative effects and minimize running and operating costs, it's crucial to address radiator leaks promptly by repairing or replacing the radiator as needed. Regular maintenance and inspection of the cooling system can help prevent radiator issues and ensure the truck operates efficiently and cost-effectively.